Sunday, November 2, 2008

VoiceThreads - Stumbling on Inspiration

Sometimes I stumble upon interesting sites on the Web, and I have to thank my virtual lucky stars for this one - a Ning about VoiceThread for Educators: It looks like a great place to begin collaborating with other teachers about using VoiceThread in the classroom.

I also found a great little VoiceThread about a First Grade trip to the beach: What a wonderful way to reflect on a fieldtrip!

I was very impressed by the Colour Poems on this VoiceThread: The photographs are lovely, and the children's voices are just delightful. I would show this to students as a starting point to write our own colour poems, or as an example of what can be done with VoiceThread.

In closing, I thought I was in love with wikis for classroom collaboration, but I'm finding VoiceThread incredibly inspiring. It is definitely my new favourite Web 2.0 tool (no offence, wiki, I still really, really like you!)

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